Pre-K & Early Childhood

  • A photo illustration of a circle encompassing a question mark, pencil, and scantron test.
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    Photo illustration: Shaun Lucas/Industry Dive; Getty Images

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    Test yourself on this week’s K-12 news

    From ESSER spending deadline extensions to a boost in Head Start teachers’ pay, what did you learn from our recent stories?

    By Aug. 23, 2024
  • A group of young elementary-age children line up outside a yellow school bus with backpacks on as an adult man looks over them
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    Fly View Productions / Getty Images via Getty Images
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    Birth rates continued to decline in 2023

    While teen birth rates are also down, the overall decline since the Great Recession stands to impact school enrollment and budgets in the long-run.

    By Aug. 22, 2024
  • High school students are dropped off for school and begin walking into the building. Explore the Trendline
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    Top 5 stories from K-12 Dive

    K-12 Dive has gathered some a selection of our best coverage from 2024 so far as a one-stop resource on the trends to watch in the months ahead.

    By K-12 Dive staff
  • An adult is behind a desk in a room. To the person's right is a child. Both child and adult are looking at a clear container on the desk. Behind them on the wall are pictures with the alphabet.
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    Jessica Hill/AP

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    Most Head Start teachers to see $10,000 salary jump under new HHS rule

    Boosts in pay and benefits would help put Head Start educators on par with public school preschool teachers, the agency said.

    By Aug. 19, 2024
  • Topeka Superintendent Tiffany Anderson holds up a stop sign while serving as a crossing guard on a school day. Three students are shown crossing the street.
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    Permission granted by Topeka Public Schools
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    Boots on the ground: Topeka superintendent meets families where they are

    For Tiffany Anderson, engaging with the community in authentic, unstructured ways is essential to understanding and addressing learning barriers.

    By July 25, 2024
  • An illustration of a student looking into an empty outline of a teacher in a classroom.
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    Illustration: Cathryn Virginia for Industry Dive

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    How a district boosted recruitment, retention with affordable child care

    Louisa County Public Schools launched its Little Lions Learning Lab in 2019, charging educators and staff just $400 per child per month.

    By June 25, 2024
  • Sponsored by Lillio

    How to increase enrollment and revenue for a strong year ahead

    It’s important to make sure you’re doing everything in your power to keep enrollment on the up, not just for yourself, but for your educators as well.

    June 17, 2024
  • An adult stands in a circle with young children in a classroom. They all are holding hands.
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    alvarez via Getty Images
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    Child care staff report rising levels of anxiety and depression

    The Rapid Survey Project says material hardship among child care professionals is contributing to worsening mental health.

    By June 5, 2024
  • A photo illustration of a circle encompassing a question mark, pencil, and scantron test.
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    Photo illustration: Shaun Lucas/Industry Dive; Getty Images

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    Test yourself on this week’s K-12 news

    From playtime strategies to budget compromises, what did you learn from our recent stories?

    By May 31, 2024
  • A photo illustration of a circle encompassing a question mark, pencil, and scantron test.
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    Photo illustration: Shaun Lucas/Industry Dive; Getty Images

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    Test yourself on this week’s K-12 news

    From cybersecurity proposals to progress on school integration, what did you learn from our recent stories?

    By May 17, 2024
  • Four young children are sitting on the floor in a classroom. They are clapping
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    Halfpoint via Getty Images
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    Study finds uncertainty with long-term benefits of preschool

    While the short-term effectiveness of pre-K is well-documented, more research is needed about successful outcomes in school and beyond, researchers say.

    By May 15, 2024
  • Emotion emoticons used by a psychologist during a therapy session with a child with an autism spectrum disorder.
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    KatarzynaBialasiewicz via Getty Images
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    Sponsored by Pearson

    Educator strategies for incorporating SEL in class and at home

    Here’s what educators need to know about SEL to help students build a solid foundation for success in the classroom and beyond.

    April 29, 2024
  • A photo illustration of a circle encompassing a question mark, pencil, and scantron test.
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    Photo illustration: Shaun Lucas/Industry Dive; Getty Images

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    Test yourself on this week’s K-12 news

    From preschool enrollment changes to finalized Title IX regulations, what did you learn from our recent stories?

    By April 26, 2024
  • A handful of young children are seated on the floor in a row. They are looking forward and some have their arms raised.
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    PeopleImages via Getty Images
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    Preschool enrollment, state spending hit record highs

    Preschool participation grew 7% in 2022-23 year over year, with percentages of enrolled 3-and 4-year-olds at all-time highs.

    By April 22, 2024
  • A student and adult sit at a table. The student is touching a tablet on the table
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    AndreaObzerova via Getty Images
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    Special education population rose 2% between 2020 and 2021

    In total, 7.8 million children and young adults received specialized services under IDEA in 2021, according to the Education Department’s annual report.

    By April 5, 2024
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    SDI Productions via Getty Images
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    Sponsored by Pearson

    Setting the stage for early childhood success with structured and stable learning environments

    Ensuring there is structure and stability in school and home environments can help set the stage for well-rounded early childhood progress.

    March 25, 2024
  • Three young students are outside and leaning close to ground. They are looking down at the grass.
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    Imgorthand via Getty Images
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    Bringing joy and learning to preschoolers through science lessons

    Exploring broad scientific concepts can build teachers' confidence and deepen students' foundational learning, an early childhood expert says.

    By March 20, 2024
  • A couple of hands are raised. Behind the hands is a green chalkboard with math equations.
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    seb_ra via Getty Images
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    We want to hear about your school district’s rising leaders

    Tell us about the innovative leaders in your schools for our fourth annual spotlight on assistant principals and district administrators.

    By March 19, 2024
  • Pearson podcast series "Building Bridges" header image
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    William Walker/K-12 Dive
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    Sponsored by Pearson

    [Podcast] Building Bridges: Strengthening the Educator-Caregiver Partnership

    In this three-part series, we focus on early childhood education. Topics covered include social-emotional learning, kindergarten readiness, and speech and language delays.

    Updated March 25, 2024
  • President Joe Biden stands at a podium and addresses members of Congress during his State of the Union speech on March 7
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    Win McNamee via Getty Images
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    Biden’s State of the Union: High-quality tutoring is in, book bans are out

    Most of President Joe Biden’s speech touched on similar education policies as previous years. His brief pushback on book bans, however, marked a new addition.

    By March 8, 2024
  • A photo illustration of a circle encompassing a question mark, pencil, and scantron test.
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    Photo illustration: Shaun Lucas/Industry Dive; Getty Images

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    Test yourself on this week’s K-12 news

    From chronic absenteeism rates to proposals for paid pregnancy leave for educators, what did you learn from our recent stories?

    By March 8, 2024
  • Head Start early learning preschool
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    DGLimages via Getty Images
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    Head Start funding not keeping pace with rising child poverty rates

    A U.S. Government Accountability Office report stressed the need to target Head Start services more effectively and to equitably distribute grants.

    By March 4, 2024
  • An adult stands next to a table of young students who are sitting in chairs. The adult has a book in their hands.
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    Permission granted by Mountain Mahogany Community School
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    How one school scaled up science of reading professional development

    A New Mexico school supported teacher training, switched its reading and writing curricula, and altered its schedule to boost reading proficiency.

    By Feb. 28, 2024
  • Two babies are in a crawl position on the floor looking to the side and ahead. In the background, an adult is on the floor with other children.
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    FatCamera via Getty Images
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    Is the end of federal relief money worsening a child care crisis?

    Staff shortages, low pay and a lack of affordable options for families are leading to underenrollment, according to a NAEYC survey.

    By Feb. 27, 2024
  • A photo illustration of a circle encompassing a question mark, pencil, and scantron test.
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    Photo illustration: Shaun Lucas/Industry Dive; Getty Images

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    Test yourself on this week’s K-12 news

    From a costly and illegal teachers strike to a controversial regulation’s advancement to the White House, what did you learn from our recent stories?

    By Feb. 9, 2024
  • A small child reaches into a blue plastic bin of brightly colored toys on a sunny day during a kindergarten readiness summer learning program.
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    Tasia Wells via Getty Images
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    Head Start, community colleges partner to expand affordable child care access

    The “Kids on Campus” campaign includes a user guide with model programs and recommendations for launching successful partnerships.

    By Feb. 8, 2024